
judgment. it's weird to pass on unless you're a judiciary body. but nobody cares. and by nobody, I mean all of us. you. me. everyone. we are shaped to judge and be judged from our childhood. nothing is off limits for us. not anyone's feelings, emotions, insecurities, problems, or struggles. we judge people on every little thing we can find. every little thing they do. on what they eat. on how they dress. on whom they talk to, even on what they feel.

why do we bother to look into people's lives when our own is crumbling down? maybe it's the way our upbringing was done or we as a whole society have adopted it as a norm, or a country as a whole. we just cannot let people be how they are or what they do. the very fact that there is a constant pressure to please other people while suffocating the happiness, satisfaction, and comfort of our own is just wild even to think.

people nowadays just can't let things exist in their matter. even if they have no idea what the subject is, no idea who the person is, what they are going through, what they are overcoming, people just feel a constant entitles to pass an opinion of their own, so loudly even the person to whom the judgment is being passed on can overhear.

it is so fucking weird that we treat pets better than our human friends. we are bothered about the government surveilling us while we continue to surveil other people around us and derive statistical analysis of their life when we could've just minded our own damn business. irony? maybe.

we only talk about privacy when it's of our own otherwise there is nothing called private. people just act like they are entitled to know every thought of their life. curiosity is one thing but not knowing the boundaries, not knowing where the line is, is just crazy to speak the least.

People want to feel better about themselves but won’t go and improve their own life instead of belittling others. oh the constant need to feel superior or to boost their self-esteem. the need for validation and reinforcement, by judging other people however they like to be the king of their own's dreams.

it might be hard for you to hear but please keep your perception of what is normal, acceptable, and desirable to just yourself. people are trying to live their life and enjoy their life doing the things that make them happy, and if it doesn't make you happy seeing them happy, i guess you are the problem and not them.

the worst thing is seeing some social media posts and then sharing opinions about them. if you have some opinions keep them to yourself. no one is interested to listen to your baseless, useless, stupid rant, especially the person to whom you're expressing them. all the "standards" in society were just created by people who just wanted to validate things that they liked and you classifying things right and wrong based on them is just ignorance.

we do everything to please others. 

buying cloth? "oh what will people think when I head out wearing that"

eating food? "oh I need to have proper etiquette"

talking to people? "oh I must speak high class modern accented tone"

walking somewhere? "oh I hope those eyes around me aren't talking bad about me"

sleeping early? "oh you mustn't what'll the neighbors think"

waking up late? "oh you mustn't what'll the neighbors think"

the funniest thing is holding your pee because you drank too much water and now you feel awkward going to the washroom for the third time in the same hour because you think about what others around might feel about it.

we feel judged to do things that otherwise might be harmful to us.

why can't we as people understand that not all people are the same? just because you like doing something doesn't mean everyone should have to like the same thing or do the same thing as you. oh, you wanna go out and enjoy your life? go ahead but don't try to drag other people along with your mess unless they’re ready to do that thing from their heart. just because you have to enjoy doesn't mean other people have to suffer. be you and just let them be themselves for once.

the inability of people to hear the word "no". I don’t know if my rejecting your proposal hurts your ego, but I know one thing for sure, I'm in no way going to apologize for it. just because you had already made up your mind expecting a different answer sounds like a "you" problem. so just deal with it. or cry about it. I just don't care.

trauma dumping on other's people life has become so common, it has become a norm. just because you have some unresolved issues doesn't mean you can bother other people's lives. just go to a damn therapy session. oh, wait if you knew what therapy is, you wouldn't be doing this in the first place.

the problem isn't just with other people. the problem is with you and me. for letting other people and society to let dictate what we can do with our lives. posting stuff on social media that says "I don't care" just to show others is a sign that you care. to feel judged when eyes are judging is normal, but to let yourself slowly lose hold of yourself because it is your problem. people do this, people do that. he did that, she does that. ofc they do. but why are you letting it control you? didn't you want to feel not judged? and you are judging them? because they are judging you?


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