
Her. Magnificent. That's as close as I can describe her. Her round eyes, chubby cheeks, curly hair, perfectly shaped lips, charming big round nose, her little fingers, her big forehead - everything about her is just perfect, at least in my eyes. I wouldn't change a thing about her. Okay, that's a lie. Maybe I would change something about her. But not the way she looks. Not the way she is. To be honest, I don't know what I would change about her.

She's joyful. Almost at all times. You'd look at her and wonder how someone could be so cheeky. And you still wouldn't know the answer. She becomes free when she's happy. That smile of hers would make you forget about any pain, anger, sadness, or tears.

Her smile. Gentle. Radiant. Her eyes get wide, her face lifts up and lights up, her hair floats free, her lips, full and rosy, curve, and her body gets calm. It's like being in the dripping rain; you get soaked in it. Once she smiles, it's over. It doesn't matter if you were angry, sad, or hurting; everything gets wiped away- that damn smile.

She's unpredictable, like the wind. She can be gentle like the breeze and deadly like the storm. I prefer the storm. There's nothing else more beautiful to look at than her when she's angry. Her eyes light up, her cheeks and lips become rosier, and you can see the fire in her gaze. But you won't be able to notice them for long because a hurricane of emotions will sweep you away- her hurricane. The more she's angry, the more she looks cute, more adorable. 

She's kind. For the most part. She's kind when she's kind. That doesn't make sense. Neither does she. She's kind even if you aren't. She has a pure heart and sees the best in others, even when they don't deserve it. Not sure if it's a bad thing or a good thing, but her heart's pure, and so is she. or I just see everything good in her.

She's mean. Too mean at times. Rude. Very rude, toxic maybe. She reflects back to you what you project onto her. It's like looking into a mirror, but the mirror is deadly and will even kill you if you're not careful. When she's not at her best, she won't care if you get hurt or feel something. She'll just shut you out. Completely isolated. Locked out.

She's forgiving but not forgetful. Willing to offer forgiveness and a second chance without forgetting any of what happened. She doesn't hold any grudges but she does. 

She's like the clouds. Sometimes she's fluffy and bright; other times she's dark and gloomy. But no matter how dark or fierce, there's always something shining, something that you can look at and feel safe. Even when she's angry, her eyes aren't, and neither is her heart. Her mind is the only thing that is angry, and her mind forgets everything after a while.

She is beautiful, but her sadness is not. Her teary eyes, red and swollen, and her soft muffled voice when she is hurting or sad, are a testament to her vulnerability. It's as if the beauty of her soul has been overshadowed by the darkness of her sadness. Her sadness, though not pretty, is a part of who she is, and it only makes her more beautiful.

She embodies love and kindness. Despite whatever struggles, she always remains soft and caring. She never loses her determination to be her best self. Her gentle nature and her delicacy- enough to melt even the toughest of souls.

Her kindness is contagious, and she has a way of making those around her feel valued and appreciated. She has a warm smile and a gentle touch. She continues to inspire others with her unwavering commitment to kindness and compassion. She is all she knows, and she remains steadfast in her pursuit of a world filled with love and compassion.

She's stupid. Silly. She is unafraid to let her hair down and embrace her inner child. At the same time, there are moments when she can be a bit clueless, which is both endearing and frustrating all at once.

She has an indomitable spirit and unwavering determination. She never loses hope and continues to strive towards her goals. She knows how to pick herself up and dust off her knees after every fall. She is driven, ambitious, and fierce. She continues to chase her aspirations with a smile on her face, and a fire in her heart.

She's not perfect. Nobody is. She has her flaws and those flaws are what make her. She's scared but doesn't stop trying new things. She makes mistakes but doesn't let them hold her back. Sometimes she loses her way, but that doesn't deter her from the path. She is lazy but energetic. Vibrant even when she's dark. She's understanding even when she's arrogant. Caring even when she's hurt. She's a sunshine who still contains some rain inside her. She's mesmerizing, mischievous, and quirky.

She's intoxicating, her mere presence leaves me breathless. She is the embodiment of beauty and grace. Her smile, anger, flaws, strength, and vulnerabilities- addicting.

She's a paradox of beauty and darkness. Her smile and beauty belie the demons that reside within her. Her eyes are a window to her soul and her grace carries her through the darkest of days. Despite her demons, she's a light in this shadowy world of ours.

She's a mystery. Trying to figure her out is impossible. She's been through a lot, but she's still here, still standing, and still fighting. She's confident and self-assured, but at the same time, she's also vulnerable. She doesn't let anyone see her weaknesses, but I know they're there, and I know she's scared of them.

Compassionate, complex, delicate, witty, caring, angry, stupid, rare, gentle, complex, hot, smart, warm, insane- there are not enough words to describe who she is. She cannot be described in words or captured in a picture. She's a person of many facets, and each one is as beautiful as the next. I could go on and on about her, but words would never do her justice. She's simply magnificent, and I feel lucky to know her, to love her, and to call her mine.


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